Lesson 15: Speech Recognition

How speech recognition works and using AI blocks in PictoBlox to convert speech into text. Making a virtual assistant in PictoBlox that can recognize …

Lesson 14: Face Filter

Make a face filter project by adding a Face Detection extension and creating a filter library with costumes. Coding the filter to switch costumes when…

Lesson 12: Pamper your Robot Pet

In this lesson, we will assemble the vertical robot, calibrate the IR sensors, and then use the data to make a Robo-Pet that reacts to hands and smile…

Lesson 11: Make Shapes with Robot

Learn how to make the robot move in a square, and move in a circle in the PictoBlox App. Understand how to control the individual motors and adjust th…

Lesson 10: Basics of Robotics

In this lesson, you will learn about robots, their advantages, applications, and how to program a robot to move forward, left, right, and back. You wi…

Lesson 9: Fruit Catching Game

In this activity, students will be using PictoBlox to program their own game! With Quarky's switches, they will learn to control a sprite, set up the …

Lesson 8: Loops

Learn how to use loops to execute a block of code repetitively, based on a condition. Different types of loops, their implementation in PictoBlox, and…

Lesson 6: Variables and Operators

Learn the basics of variables, data types, naming rules, creating and manipulating variables in PictoBlox, tracking a sprite's position using variable…